The Greg Jones Golf Academy


Academy Junior League
Academy Junior Golf Tour at Bunker Hill Golf Course
Academy Junior League
The Academy Junior League is a fun, competitive league open to experienced junior golfers (boys and girls) in Grades 7-12, who are serious about improving and building their game. The league will be held on the first three Tuesdays in June (June 3, 10, and 17) and July (July 1, 8 and 15). All participants must be signed in by 11:15 a.m. Our first tee time begins at 11:30 a.m.
Players will be divided into three divisions based on ability. A point system used for scoring will be in place to ensure equitable competition. Lunch will be provided.
Par Division - for players with an average score of 53-59 (for 9 holes), will play 9 holes each week. (Golfers in the Par Division must be able to consistently shoot under 60 from the forward tees. If you are not sure if your child's game is a suitable fit for this division, please contact Greg Jones at 567-241-3746)
Birdie Division - for players with an average score of 46-52 (for 9 holes) will play 18 holes each week
Eagle Division – for players with an average score under 45 (for 18 holes), will play 18 holes each week
Golfers may be re-assigned to a different division based on weekly point averages as the league progresses.
League Point System: Points per hole will be awarded as follows:
Par Division
Double Bogey +1 pts
Bogey +2 pts
Par +3 pts
Birdie +4 pts
Eagle +5 pts
Birdie and Eagle Divisions
Double Bogey 0 pts
Bogey +1 pts
Par +2 pts
Birdie +3 pts
Eagle +4 pts
Par Division players will play from the gold tees.
Birdie and Eagle Divisions: Females and all 7th graders (male and female) will play from the gold tees. All others will play from the white tees.
Pace of Play:
To maintain Pace of Play, players will pick up at Par +3. Rounds are to be completed in 2 hours for 9 holes and 4 hours for 18 holes. If a group falls behind, they will be directed to skip a hole to keep pace with the group in front of them.
Academy Junior Golf Tour
The Academy Junior Golf Tour will be held on June 24 and July 22, beginning at 11:30 a.m. at Bunker Hill Golf Course in Medina, Ohio. This tournament is open to experienced golfers, boys and girls, in Grades 7-12. Please note that the Academy Junior Golf Tour is a separate event from the Academy Junior Golf League. As such, participation in the league is not required to play in the tournaments. Additionally, our league golfers are encouraged, but not required, to participate in the tournaments.
Players will be separated into three divisions (Par, Birdie and Eagle) based on average scores using the same criteria as for the Academy Junior League (see above).
Par Division will play 9-holes, while the Birdie and Eagle Division will play 18 holes. Scoring will be based on the same point system used for the Academy Junior League (see above).
Lunch will be provided. Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each division.
Academy Junior League and Tour Fee Structures
We are able to keep the costs low due to donations from Bunker Hill Golf Course, the Greg Jones Golf Academy, and our donors, including the Tom Poturica Memorial Fund.
Junior League and Golf Tour - Includes 3 weeks of league play and tournament - Sign up for one or both months
Par Division: $65 per month
Eagle and Birdie Divisions: $80 per month
Junior League Only - Includes 3 weeks of league play - Sign up for one or both months
Par Division: $40 per month
Eagle and Birdie Divisions: $50 per month
Tournament Only - Sign up for one or both months
All registrations for the tournament must be received no later than one week prior to the day you want to play so that we can place players into the proper divisions. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the league administrators, Greg Jones (567-241-3746) and Chad Gibson (330-722-4174).
Par Division: $35 per tournament
Eagle and Birdie Divisions: $40 per tournament
Guidelines for League and Tournament Play
We must provide a final count on the number of tee times to Bunker Hill each week by Monday morning. A group text will be sent each Saturday morning to all registered participants. Please respond to the text with your child's name and a Yes/No answer if they will/won't be playing that Tuesday. Responses will be due by midnight on Sunday so that tee times can be confirmed with Bunker Hill on Monday morning. Please note that no response will be taken as a negative response, and your child will be considered a non-participant for that week, even if they are registered and paid. Once our tee times are secured, we cannot add tee times, so it may be necessary to turn your child away on Tuesday morning if we have not received a response from you.
All golfers must sign in at the registration table by 11:15 a.m. (15 minutes prior to tee time) so that we can assemble groups and confirm groups with the starter. Any golfer who arrives past this time will not play.
All golfers must have a release form signed by a parent or legal guardian prior to play. A pdf version of this form will be emailed to you after we receive your registration.
Each player must have their own clubs. Please remember to bring sufficient balls, tees, and ball markers.
Proper golf attire is required. No jeans or tee shirts.
Please be prepared for the weather. Play will not be suspended or shortened due to heat, cold, or rain, unless the course makes the decision to stop play. Please note that play will be suspended if lightning is detected in the area. We have experienced extreme heat conditions in the past. It will be the parents call as to whether or not they want their child to participate in league or tournament play in hot conditions. If they play, please make sure that they are prepared with plenty of water or sports drink, hat, etc.
Refund and Make-up Policy: We do not offer make-ups or refunds for missed league dates. A gift certificate will be issued for the cost of the registration fee if a cancellation request is received prior to the start of the program. We do not offer refunds or credit once the program has begun.
Please note that registration is a two-step process.
1. Please fill out the registration form so that we have your pertinent contact information
2. Purchase your program by adding the preferred option to your cart and proceeding to payment.
Our programs fill quickly; therefore, we require payment in full to secure your spot in the program.
Payments are accepted via PayPal or Venmo. If you do not have a PayPal or Venmo account, please select the Venmo Payment Option at checkout. Underneath the QR code that appears on your screen there will be a link with an option to pay via credit card.
To redeem an e-Gift Card, please click on "Checkout" box on the cart page and enter your gift card redemption code in the box on the Order Summary prior to choosing your payment method.